Sunday, January 8, 2017

New Year: New Home: SMART Goal Resolution

New Year: New Home: SMART Goal Resolution

January 8, 2017 by Candace L. Thompson, MBA

It’s a New Year and you’ve made resolutions.  Those goals that you plan to achieve by the end of the year.  Sometimes the goals are big dreams inside your head because you didn’t write them down.  Not this year.  This year is the year you decide to put down roots.  Find your dream home.  Find that place where you will create so many special memories.  This year is, the year you buy a new home.  You need to put a plan together and set S.M.A.R.T. Goals.  Smart Goals acronym stands for Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic, and Time.
Example of what your smart goal could look like in order to purchase a home.
*Specific: Decided to purchase a home.  It will give me a sense of accomplishment.
*Measure: Determine what steps it takes to purchase a home.  How much home can I afford?  How much money do I need to save in order to purchase.  Speak with a lender to determine what your budget will be and what your credit score is.
*Achievable: How realistic are your goals after you have set your budget and spoke with a lender?  If you need to save “X” amount of dollars in order to purchase a home, will you have enough time to do this by the date you want.
*Realistic: How do you know if now is the right time to purchase a home?  What makes you think you are ready for homeownership?  Remember you are responsible for achieving the goals you set.
*Time: Each goal set needs to have a deadline set with it.  You may have smaller goals in order to accomplish larger goals.  For example, save $8750 in order to purchase a $250,000 home or pay off $5,000 in debt in order to get my debt to income ratios in alignment for the bank’s guidelines.  
Smart goals give you the opportunity to come up with a plan that you will execute to achieve your goals.  You can set smart goals in every aspect of your life.  
You are not running a race when you decide to purchase a home.  You go at your own pace.  If you think you are ready and still don’t know where to start call a local realtor today.  A realtor can help you put your thoughts into action and lead you in the right direction.
Good Luck and Happy Home Searching.

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